Esta sección es parte del proyecto “Archivo audiovisual de Tarot, Metagenealogía y Psicomagia”. Acá encontrarás todos los videos que he encontrado en la web de Moreno Fazari, uno de los referentes de la escuela jodorowskiana.
¿Quién es Moreno Fazari?
A Moreno Fazari todavía no lo conozco personalmente. El acompañó a Jodorowsky en los 90 durante varios años como su ayudante. Acá comparto una recopilación de lo que he encontrado en la web.
Leaving behind friends and family I left Italy chasing the mysterious signs that would lead me to the fulfilment of my being. I arrived in France, more precisely in Marseille in the late 80s (city that gave its name to the Tarot). I lived on ‘’Boulevard de la Liberation’’(Liberation Boulevard). Always driven by my quest, I moved to Paris in the early 90s where I met A. Jodorowsky. At that time he lived on ‘’rue de La Liberation’’ (Liberation Street) in Vincennes.
During our first encounter he offered me a Tarot which I began to study every day. I quickly became one of his students and close disciple and after a few years with him, his assistant.
Twenty years later I still assist him during his free weekly readings that he gives in a Café in Paris. And, since a few years he has asked me to replace him at the Café when he is absent.
All this time spent at his side, as well as a long and deep work on myself and an extensive experience with hundreds of people, have allowed me to gain a wide knowledge of the Art of the Tarot, Psychogenealogy and the symbolic acts (Psychomagic) as well as a deep understanding of the human psychology.

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Recursos de la web
¿Te gustaría tomar sus cursos?
Si te interesa tomar algún curso o taller con él tendrás que hacerlo en Italia o Francia, o de manera online. Para conocer su trabajo puedes ver su página Facebook donde comparte varios videos (idioma italiano).
¿Necesitas ponerte en contacto con él?
Comparto los datos de contacto que tengo por si son de utilidad para ti:
- Correo:
- Facebook: Moreno Fazari
- Youtube: Moreno Fazari LesLabosDeL’Inconscient
- Más info en:
- (Cursos en Italia)